The Benefits of the Hickory Dickory Dock

Most nursery rhymes are successful in teaching children the lessons on life as well as speaking with rhythm. The concept of time can be very difficult for some to learn First they must learn the basic rules and discuss the differences between AM and PM. Then later in life, they’ll encounter military time that can make what they learned previously to be confusing. On top of that there are different time zones in the world. There are even different times zones in the same country. But Hickory Dickory Dock does a successful job in educating children about the basics of counting time.

The original song was published in a book called Tommy Thumb’s Pretty Song Book released in 1744. The song was perceived differently because of the different connotation in English culture. The song was thought to reference one of the clocks on one of the cathedrals in London. Over the centuries the song has been used more effectively to teach children how to count. The words Hickery and Dickery are just words seen for counting the number of syllables in the song. There are some western countries that sing this song. The parents like the song because of its effectiveness with children.

The concept of time isn’t just important for children. It can be important for people that grow up and will have people that rely on them. Often there are times you must wake up regardless of whether people want to do so, or not. In this case, students are going to have to get up as they advance higher in school. If they don’t show up to school on time, then the students face the consequences. It’s the same for the adult world, where people must go to work on time, or they run the risk of losing their job.

The song encourages children to experiment and learn rhythm. This can teach people some of the basic rules for sentence and know when to end them. Some people also aren’t to educated on participles and conjugations. Listening to this song would help children more when it comes to learning how to sing. It is also a good idea to show the song if they were into kids songs. That will help the children if they decide to try their hand at trying instruments in the future. Definitely worth a listen if any of the students are thinking about playing one in the future.

The song is also free. We live in a age where very few things are free, regardless of where you live. Being able to hear the song on the radio or on the internet is a privilege that we can sometimes take for granted. It’s something that anyone can do research on and learn the original stories. The song also has no vulgar lyrics of references. The song has been translated into multiple languages so that more people can enjoy the song. If you want to listen to it, search, “free download kid songs youtube” and look at the results.