Everyone knows the classic nursery rhyme “Wheels On the Bus”. Where did such a prominent song get its start? This song was written by an American woman by the name of Verna Hills in 1939. Since there is not much information about the origin of this song, the reason why it was written is not recorded, however, it is imagined that it was written to entertain children on long bus rides. Ms. Hills has certainly played a part in the development of American children and even the development of children in other Western English speaking cultures such as the U.K., Canada, and Australia.
How Can “Wheels on the Bus” Help My Child Anyway?
Learning through song and nursery rhymes is so important in the education of children. This song offers a way to appropriate development in a variety of areas such as cognitive, language, social and fine motor skills.
In the area of cognitive development the ability to follow along with the melody allows children to anticipate patterns and cadences. Since the melody is repetitive, this allows children to exercise the ability to memorize.
Development in language comes with hearing the words in a repetitive way and trying to replicate the sounds that are heard. The words are associated with meaning through song. For social skills, the melody makes this song easy for large numbers of children to sing along to. Children realize it is fun doing activities such as singing and dancing with friends by their side. Engaging and interacting in a group setting sets children down a path of healthy social development. Particularly with “Wheels on the Bus” children are exposed to social interaction because of the lyrics of the song. For example, the bus driver can tell the people to “move on back”, and the mommies on the bus are soothing their babies.
Lastly imitating finger play and motions that come with this song help strengthen little hands. This helps children develop in fine motor skills as well as hand eye coordination.
With some exceptions, most kids learn from having fun. Your kids are getting an education if you show them youtube videos of rhyming songs . Although as adults we may not care about simple songs, it is important to remember kids are kids. Kids absorb information faster through music. This is a scientific fact. You will probably find that you have fun too. There is no harm in feeling like a child again.
Singing and watching school bus videos youtube with your kids helps. You will see through their education the little things you do help. Kids appreciate your engagement with them on their level. Once the kids know you are listening with them, they will want to listen to you.