Category «About»
Downloadable Kids Songs

*free download kid songs youtube: There are a variety of downloadable children’s songs that children as well as adults enjoy listening to. Downloadable kids songs can many times be found on youtube. *Popular Children’s Songs/ still heard today: Some of the more popular children’s songs that can downloaded include Old Mac Donald had a Farm. …
Music On the Road
Children Rhyming with Friends
Kids Rhymes on the Go

The catchy music of the nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Six Pence and school bus youtube song has toddlers and adults uttering medieval language that nearly has no meaning today. Originating as an adult rhyme its ancient origins have only been inferred. Shakespeare used pieces of the nursery rhyme in his play “Twelfth Night.” …
Rhymes on the Go

Rhythm is an essential aspect to the educational life of a child. This is something that both parents and teachers should seriously consider because children reading future and skills is considered by nursery rhyming. Younger kids have nothing to relate with emotionally like articulating their fears. Nevertheless, as they recite nursery rhymes, they are proficient …
Singing in the Bus

Sweet Nursery Ryhmes Nursery rhymes has been a very popular way for children to exercise their memorization, encourage collaboration, and refresh their creativity, while they sing the lyrics of their favorite nursery rhymes with other kids. Parents also love nursery rhymes because it’s a great way for them to engage with their children and help …
Popular Kids Rhymes and Songs

Kids Popular Rhymes and Songs Kids rhymes and songs are an essential thing for children during classroom hours and out of classroom sessions. Since kids are growing, they use these rhymes and songs to relate with their emotions. Some of them perceive them as hilarious and make them learn despite the boring environment. Thus, teaching …
Wheels on the Road go round and round
Songs Played in your Bus

Turn Your Bus Into Learning On Wheels In these modern times, buses have great sound systems that can be put to use. The sound system can turn into one of the best teaching devices. By kids listening to interesting rhymes and learning the words and rhythm, they grow and learn. If your bus is really …