Category «About»
Connecting with Your Child
Family is Important for Children
Teaching Children Rhythm

Parents want to see their children develop and understand a certain skill set. Teaching children rhythm could prove to be important later down the line. Music classes have emphasized that art form for quite some time overall. Parents can oversee some important developments that will take place over time. That will ensure that children hone …
Summertime Activities for Children
Why Repetition is Effective
What’s the After Hello

There are numerous songs available for your children to help them learn, and one of the most popular nursery rhymes is called the “What’s Your Name?” song. It is based off the rhyme Hello Hello Hello. This particular rhyme was written by Maple Leaf Learning, in 2016. All of Maple Leaf songs, activities, and games …
How to Teach Children Different Greetings
Songs for Children

Children They essentially are tiny people who haven’t learned very much yet but also learn differently. This, however, depends on the age of the child, but if they are young, they can learn fast the things they need to know. Ways Children learn in different ways. One way children learn is through nursery rhymes songs. …