Category «Videos»

Songs for Spanish Learners

Benefit of Playing Outdoors for Kids

Songs for Young Spanish Learners Introduction Knowing how or why teaching your child a second language, at the earlier stages of their development, can really help them later in life. Undoubtedly one of the most useful languages to learn in North America is Español. With so much diversity in America Spanish learners will have an …

Songs For Preschool Classrooms

Learning to Count with Bunnies

You are right to use tunes in your classroom, and you will find that the kids in your class are begging to sing along with every song. They want to know how much simpler it can be to learn, and you will introduce new tunes every week that help them learn. Each step you take …

Tongue Twister Rhymes

This Little Light of Mine Versions

A tongue twister, nursery rhyme, phonic, or children song are all in one. There are so many wonderful rhymes and songs to choose from for your kids. The best thing about it is they are learning to read and spell at the same time. In the following article, you will see what I mean. A …

Nursery Rhymes and Pop Culture

When teaching your child of the world and the various cultures, a subtle approach is needed. It’s good to expose them the right way so that they can grow up very mature. This can be done in various ways. Through children’s books or rhymes for instance. That is the key reason you’re reading this after …

Diversity Through Rhymes

The minds of young kids are very easy to mold when you are trying to teach them, and you may teach them all about diversity if you are using rhymes in the class every day. You may teach your kids a bit of Spanish using these songs, and you will find pretty quickly that they …

More Car and Bus Songs for Kids

Family Road Trip Songs

Child Development with Nursery Rhymes The first five years of your child’s life are the most important years. Researchers found that 90% of a child’s brain develops in the first five years, and brain development starts from day one. It is important to sing, rhyme, share stories, and play with your child starting from the …

Car and Bus Songs for Kids

The Wheels on the Bus Lessons and Meaning

Songs with buses and cars are very popular among teachers and parents, and they help kids learn quite a few different things in school. The school day may be broken up with these special songs, and teachers may pick from a long list to use in class. Each class that has these nursery rhymes is …

Alphabet Rhyme Time

Ten in the Bed Versions

Growing Up Rhyming Most children grow up having memorized a collection of simple songs and nursery rhymes. Many of these rhymes contain funny or silly words, such as “Little Miss Muffet” or just about any rhyme by Dr. Seuss. Some tell interesting and strange stories, like “There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a …

The Wheel on the Bus for Parents

About The wheels on the Bus Nursery Rhymes

The Wheels on the Bus is a wonderful song for parents to show preschoolers. Parents can teach motor skills development when singing along to “The Wheels on the Bus.” They can make rolling gestures with their hands. Another motion is to pretend the parent is the bus driver and with the hands pretend to be …