All learning should be fun and “Wheels on the Bus” is a fun way to learn things like what is a bus, what is a train, what is a car, and the alphabet with knowing colors thrown in for free.
The bus shows what a bus is and what it does. It also shows what different colors are and helps a child learn them in different shades so that they can better understand them.
The train shows what a train is and how it works. It also reinforces the learning of colors through a rhyming kids song. The mood is light and inviting and a child can absorb the knowledge easily.
The car introduces a child to what a car is in a fun and lighthearted way again with a rhyming song. It appeals to the child’s imagination to again plant the idea of a car firmly into their mind.
In other versions there the wheels are turning, wipers are swishing, horn is beeping, and people are going up and down on the bus. Over the years there have been many variations when singing this song. There have been a few additional verses added to the song over the years that include; doors opening and shutting, driver telling people to “move on back”, babies crying, and parents telling them to “shh”.
Children should learn to read so that it is as easy as breathing. When they learn the alphabet as soon as possible, reading, when they get to it, will be a no-brainer for them.
All in all the entire video is a good tool for teaching children up to 5 years old some knowledge skills such as recognizing the difference between different vehicles like buses, trains and cars. The song is written such that it is very easy for children to follow along and learn to participate in the motions. There are hand motions that are repetitive that go along with they lyrics and the song. The motions are fun for children to do and help develop their motor skills, while at the same time allowing them to experience how they are relevant to the song. It is also never too early to learn the importance of being clean. And of course the alphabet is always “in season” for teaching and I don’t think you can teach it too much at this age.