Music on the road is important for children of most ages. It keeps boredom at bay of course but does a great deal more. The overall quality of the trip or drive will be much better for everyone and end fun instead of in tears. Help jumpstart interest in a variety of things by singing with your child when they are in the car with you. Use the time to your advantage rather than everyone viewing it as a chore; it will help them realize life can be what you make it more than just what it brings.
Basic Benefits
Use songs like Jack and Jill, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Row, Row, Row the Boat help children to do things such as match actions to words and have a broader language grasp. Kids song and rhyme promotes social aspects as well by having everyone join into singing when on road trips or just going to school. They may learn how to sound out things that might confuse them, helping to stimulate their learning curiosity and capabilities.
The Examples
The Wheels on the bus original lyrics provide the perfect mix of fun in a song while still keeping a certain rhythm in words and timing. Mix and match with Mary Had a Little Lamb for animals or Rain Rain Go Away for weather aspects. The Ice Cream song brings in food or The Woman Who Lived in the Shoe for general life examples with a twist. You can always have a convenient radio station that plays some favorites but feel free to invent your own music to get their creativity working and see what they lean towards choosing more frequently. Make sure to include eclectic types to let their world perspective start expanding while their brains are at the most optimal stage for absorption.
Origins and New Direction
Songs have been used while on the road for decades and for all types of cultures. More aged tunes such as Ring Around the Rosie, London Bridge, or Humpty Dumpty stem from more meaningful stories and reasons, while ones such as The Wheels on the Bus or Old McDonald Had a Farm focus more on simple everyday actions that the child can recognize, identify, and sing about. Both types of music can be enjoyed while on the road.
If you would like your child to develop many helpful qualities, using music on the road while taking trips or just for everyday driving is one great way. They provide illustrations vocally for things they may not have encountered and can generate questions from them. Having an early idea of multiple concepts is good to have before they enter school age, and from then out keeping their interest is a routine that can be eased considerably by just signing with them or letting them go solo.