Music on a Road Trip

Music was invented a long time ago. Music was and is an outlet for kids, parents and adults alike. It’s used for entertainment, learning, and enjoyment as well. Music is enjoyed everywhere-in concerts, music halls, and dance halls. You can now enjoy music from your phone or from a streaming radio website as long as you have files or are connected to the internet as well.

The invention of music has a long history. Thie first music was actually in 925 AD . Many countries, including ancient Greece and China, even has a long history of making some kind of music.

All Ages
Music appeals to all ages. There are lots of choices when it comes to music. Music is everything from punk rock to the most beautiful classical music playing at a symphony. Not everyone wants to or likes the same things in music as other people do. That is fine and what makes us unique. Music choices also change with experience and age as well. That Ricky Martin song that you liked when you were five, might not be a favorite anymore. You can also find kid songs videos free download on the internet, and download some to your phone too.

When young children listen to music, it helps them develop a sense of rhythm and sometimes rhyme too, since some of the first things a child listens to might be a story with words that sound alike. They also learn words in their first language too, whatever that might be. Children can be hard to travel with, so it helps to bring some songs they can sing to in the car. Music is a good distraction to being on a long trip. A song like The Wheels on the bus is always fun. Another bonus is that everyone likely knows all the words. The wheels on the bus song also help young children with gross motor skills (the skills that help kids sit up and move their bodies) and fine motor skills as well.

Parents can use music to their advantage. Parents can help develop their music tastes and also help them learn at the same time. For example, if there is something your child is struggling with maybe you can turn it into the song that they will want to listen to over and over. I know one year my son came home with some multiplication songs and helped him with his math. That year, he was able to make math fun. There are songs and videos online that make learning the hardest things lots of fun.

Music is powerful, whether you listen to it on the radio during a car trip, or you put your favorite soundtrack on. It can also speak to us and our feelings. This can be one reason why we develop favorite songs we listen to over and over.