Nursery Rhymes used for Education

If you’re exploring education ideas for your child under 5, don’t underestimate nursery rhymes! It is a fact that music helps memory! Pair that with a melody that rhymes and your child is all set! Nursery rhymes help develop your child’s attention span, language skills, socializing, vocabulary, and so much more! Here are 4 educational …
Weasel Goes Pop

Parents are always looking for an activity they can do with their kids that will span from the time they are babies through the toddler years that will engage them and help them grow and develop. One of the most popular tools is using nursery rhymes. This introduces babies and children to the art of …
Benefits of Singing the Wheels on the Bus
Rhyming with Farmer in the Dell

Origins The song “The Farmer in the Dell” has been around in different forms for almost 200 years. It was originally recorded in the year 1825 in Germany. The original version in German was much more clear about the topic of a farmer courting and then subsequently leaving his wife. It is believed that the …
Bus Around the World

Once he gained confidence with his newly acquired lithographic trade and having been inspired by Friedrich Frobel’s kindergarten writings, Milton Bradley set up his Springfield, Massachusetts business in 1890 printing his own ideas on educating children through music and art. It was at this time, Bradley was making millions with his board games, yet publishing …
How to Babysit Children
Bricks on the Wall

How Nursery Rhymes Can Help Your Child Nursery rhymes have been around since the 18th century. They came about during the time children’s books were being written. However, children’s books created a need for an educational resource for younger kids that weren’t able to read. There is no clear indication, when the creation of nursery …
Hello to the World

The song “hello to the world” is a great song for children. The song is saying hello hello hello in about nine different languages. This song is great for children education because they can learn hello hello hello to any person who does not speak these languages. The teacher can learn each child and their …
Tongue Twister Origin

Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers. The tongue twister is originally thought to be published in 1813 in London; however, it is believed to have been around for a least a generation prior. It is a children’s nursery rhyme and tongue twister. Tongue twisters are short poems or sayings that can be used …