Multiple Rhythms with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Learning the Beat for Rainbows

Rhythm can be hard for someone who is learning a new language. They must learn the rules of the society around. Different languages use a different amount of syllables to convey a message so people are bound to get confused. Thankfully, most of have the ability to empathize with others and that allows us …
Learning to Rhyme from Dinosaur Stomps
Rules of Riding on a Bus

You learn very quickly after being born the rules of life. There are even rules from the parents from taking their child from the hospital if their not prepared. There are a lot of differences between rules and laws. Governments establish laws to benefit themselves as well as the people that they protect. Rules are …
Cooking with Children

To cook is one of the most essential of life skill’s everyone should learn before they spread their wings and flap away from the nest. It is guaranteed that if you are a parent, you have turned away little hands running to help in the kitchen. At times it can be frustrating and even anxiety-inducing …
Traffic Safety
Riding the Bus on a Rainy Day
Going to Town on a Bus

Go to a certain location on a bus can be a enjoyable experience. Perhaps the parents of the student don’t take him to the location and because of that, get to experience a new adventure. Better than that, they get to experience this around others that will likely enjoy their opportunity. It’s a nice time …