Interacting with your child using playdough sculpture is a good method to help develop skills such as motor, social, and movement. They can enjoy the feel of the dough while starting to absorb of a great deal of things. You can cover topics like letters, what goes in stores, or just make a creature of their imagination.
The Basics
It can be a quick or lengthy part of your day, which is one reason it is a popular thing to do with your child. By being able to determine the level of activity, you can play with the social aspect of it with including others or making it a calm solo period for your child. Let them ask questions and generally take in the experience.
How to get Instruction
Design your own playdough sculptures by using playdough videos and kits, or find inspiration from nursery rhymes videos! Kids can easily follow along with either, or you can prepare ahead of time by yourself. Different textures can be explored too by following other’s examples on how to include secondary objects to change the playdough.
What to Make
There are endless things you can create with playdough. Some of the most common themes are buildings, food, animals, shapes, things in nature, letters, and vehicles. Some are easier than others, so it is important to encourage your child while knowing their capabilities. Make it an enjoyable activity where they can stretch their mind.
Reasons Why
Working with playdough is more than just a fun, easy activity. Children’s creativity is stimulated when making their own objects, especially if you construct an array of things rather than stay in one direction. By relating the objects you make together to the real world, they are able to get an idea of the standing of everything and what everything may match with. Strength building is another advantage, brought on by actually manipulating the dough. When they squeeze and roll it, their hand-eye coordination is built even more as well.
Educational Steps
One of the main reasons to create sculptures from playdough is the ability to teach at the same time. If you make an alphabet or numbers, you can play additional games with your child like how to spell words, add numbers, or give them detail on what each look like if they are quite young. By spelling out their own name and receiving the praise afterwards, they will associate learning with a good feeling.
Sculpting things with your child can provide good lessons while still being pleasurable and entertaining. Give them free reign and see what they might gravitate towards and include a few things that they have to work to achieve, helping them broaden their mind and understand completing a goal. Take an hour and grab a jar of play dough and your child for an activity that is never the same.