The Farmer in the Dell History


The origins and history of The Farmer in the Dell began in Germany over 200 years ago. The rhyme was spread by German immigrants who came to the United States in the 1800s. To play this game, one child is picked as the “farmer”. Other players are chosen and form a circle around the person selected to take care of the farm. All preschool children hold hands. Then, the children go dancing and singing around this person. The person chosen to attend the farm then chooses a wife and begins to dance with her. Then, the wife chooses a child and she dances with him or her. At this time, the person selected to take care of the farm goes back into the circle and the rhyme continues on. The person who is chosen as “the cheese” stands alone in the end.

What is the meaning of the rhyme?

This cute rhyme has meaning that goes way beyond what it was intended to be. It is a musical story about a man who needs a wife, child, dog and so forth in order to be a productive and happy man. Even today this rhyme has meaning, especially for those who work on a farm. A man who takes care of a farm needs a wife to help him with chores and to make him happy. Children were needed back then to help a woman fulfill her duties as a mother. In addition, a nurse was selected to help during the birth of the child and help with the duties of bringing up a child.

Why is a dog chosen?

In the rhyme, a dog is chosen to help manage the cattle. The dog chooses a cat, most likely, for entertainment. The cat chooses a rat for something to eat and the next step is the rat to choose the cheese. In the rhyme, the cheese stands alone. When you search for the meaning of this rhyme, you see that the rhyme relates to productivity and economics.

Do the characters have any special significance?

As you read this rhyme, you see how important everyone is in the rhyme. In other words, the farm attender needs a wife, a wife needs the man and the child to make her feel complete and the child needs the dog. The dog needs the cat and so on. Like our current society, we all need each other to be happy and productive.