Children are rambunctious, curious, smart and sassy. Did I mention cute, because they are? They also are unpredictable, mouldable human beings and helpful as well, if given the chance when they are old enough.
First Songs
Some of the first songs that children learn is a song called wheels on the bus full song lyrics. Everyone has heard it and knows it. Don’t pretend that you don’t know the words. This is one of those classic songs that are taught to every child or should be, as the case may be. The wheels on the bus is a simple song as well, with lots of hand movements.
Words to the song are called song lyrics. They are called this because almost every song or music number has song lyrics. What can we learn from lyrics? Well, we most often hear a story set to music. Since lyrics are set to a tune, the artist needs to be picky about what words they use. The lyrics to this famous kid’s song were made with kids in mind.
There’s nothing cuter than kids singing a song for their parents. The lyrics are simple and mostly easy to remember. The order in the lyrics can be hard to remember, especially for a small child. So an adult or an older child should help a child sing the song.
We all learn best through repetition. What is a repetition? The repeating of something over and over and over again, until we learn and can recite it from memory. This is especially true of young children, as most can recite the alphabet or the Pledge of Allegiance by heart. You can have young children memorize and repeat anything at all.
Older children and adults might take longer to memorize something, but it can be done.
Children love movement. They are constantly moving and having them sit still for very long is next to impossible. Children need to move and it is a good thing for children to learn as well. Whether it is learning a hand motion for a song, or jumping excitedly during play time, it is good for them. It helps get that energy out so they can pay attention.
Every song has a chorus, and they are easy to remember. Sometimes, that is the title of the song or the name of the song. This is often memorable, since song titles are unique to each song, even if there are many from the same genre or artist.
Children and adults alike have choices about the songs they listen to. Often, the mood a person is in can influence the kind of songs they listen to at any given time. They can use songs to augment how they feel and this is successful for many people. Some people choose to play songs that help them feel better as a distraction to what they are feeling. Whatever you choose, music can help a lot.