Finger Family History

Finger puppets

Finger Family nursery rhymes are great because they come in so many different ways to teach your kids about a lot of different family structures and traditions. The words are very malleable because you can adjust them to fit the situation, and you will have a nice time if you teach a preschool, have your kids in preschool, or want them to have songs that have become Internet sensations on their own YouTube channel and shared on others.

The History

They appeared almost out of nowhere, and parents often wonder where they came from when they find them online. They are a new kind of song that is catchy sounding for children, and there is a large series of videos with fun variations that any kid can watch online.

The Tempo

This is a pretty slow song, and it will give you space to play with the words and make sure that they are easy to understand. You also have to be sure that you have made some choices that will work out for you better than anything else. You can teach it to the children because it is slow, and they can understand all the words even when you change them around.

The Finger Puppets

You can use the finger puppets that you have if you want to play this song, and you can move your fingers along with the song so that you have every chance to get the song to make sense to the children. The children in your family will get very interested in the way that you are singing this song, and they will be excited by the fact that the song gives you all that you need to know regardless of what it is. You can show the children who the mommy and daddy are, or you can change the words around for colors or numbers. You have a lot of versatility in this song, and it becomes more fun because the children will start to play around with it and see if it works well for them. That makes the whole thing really exciting, and it really helps you feel like you have been given the best teaching tools for these young ones.

Let The Children Choose

The children that you are working with will want to choose their own words, and they could get really excited by the way that you are teaching them this song. They will come to you every day with new words that they thought of, and you can get them to teach it to the class. Your children will sing it in the car, and there are a lot of videos online that children can watch for this that makes it just as much fun to play with as any song you have used.