Kids’ Songs with a Dog


There are a few songs you may use in your class that feature a dog, and you must ensure that you have sought out these songs when you want to help your kids enjoy learning. You may include dogs in your lessons when you want your kids to enjoy talking about animals, or you may simply explain to the children that all these songs have dogs in them. They will be quite excited to sing along, and they will learn that many songwriters use the same inspiration.

#1: Bingo

Bingo is a fantastic song that most children learn that is about a dog named Bingo. You get to spell his name in the song, and you will learn that this dog was the center of the story. The children will love this song because it is so long, and they will prefer to sing this song with you because they like the shouting that happens at the end of each verse. Spelling is aided by this song, and you may take some time to ask your class what sort of dog Bingo was.

#2: This Old Man

The song this old man has a dog in it, but the dog is not the focus of the story. The dog just happens to be there because they have been a part of a much larger story. You will find that adding this song to your repertoire will be exciting for your class because they will notice when the dog appears in the song. The dog does not stay for long, but they will point out that your song has a dog in it.

#3: How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

This song was actually at the top of the charts long ago, and it was so popular that people were singing along to it on the radio. You may not have known that this was a chart topping single, but it was at the top of the charts for many weeks in the 50s. You will hear it to this day on oldies stations, and you will share it with your kids because it is the perfect song for kids.

#4: My Dog

My Dog is a song that you may use with the children when you yourself have a dog. You may ask the kids to sing along if they have a dog, and they may add the name of their dog to the song. It will be quite a lot of fun to sing this song with your kids when you all add the name of your own dog, and it will help the kids interact with the class. This is also a fantastic song to use on the show and tell day if the kids want to bring their dogs with them. You will find that the kids are quite happy to show you their friends, and you may bring your own dog if you want to have the kids meet a new friend. Each of these songs will help your kids have a much more fun experience including other songs like johnny johnny yes papa, five little monkey, and etc.