Origin of Children Songs

Nursery Rhymes Songs While babies and children grow they need things to stimulate their brains. At early ages their brains start to develop crucial skills. Reading and singing nursery rhymes with your young one will help them better develop the skills the brain is seeking. Teaches How Language Develops Understanding how language woks is critical …
What to do If a Child Falls

Introduction This article is to help parents and teachers learn about nursery rhymes; in addition it will also help you understand the effects they have on children’s future and present development. There are many situations where a nursery rhyme may come in handy, but today we will be covering how a nursery rhyme can help …
The benefits of cute crafts with children

As nursery rhymes still remain one of the most creative ways children learn project ideas and creative art they are both intertwined with many different rhymes which can be found all over the Internet. Numerous social media platforms include Pinterest, Facebook as well as Instagram display new craft ideas daily. There are many different kinds …
How to Properly Greet Someone

How to Properly Greet someone: Approach the person or individual you wish to greet with a positive smile and confident walk as you approach them. Simply ignite the Greeting by Saying Hello or Hi so that you grab the attention of the individual you wish to meet. Obtain and keep eye contact through the greeting …
Why are there Tongue Twister?

Tongue Twisters Improve Speech One of the more fun ways to learn a language remains developing rhymes. Children interacting with verses increase language skills. Because of alliteration ( the way the same letter or same sound happen in a phrase), children receive phonic practice, pitch, and intonation. While repeating and reciting a phrase the brain …
Poems & Songs for Children

Nursery rhymes are traditional children songs and poems. Parents or teachers typically teach these rhymes to young children. However, these rhymes were initially shown in nursery schools. Hence, the learning of nursery rhymes songs is of great importance since it helps in the improvement of vocabulary. Nevertheless, some nursery rhymes contribute to the growth of …
Learning Salutations

Ni Hao ni hao ni hao (hello hello hello!)! Learning Salutations For Children is an important skill for their future. When you think of your child’s ability to interact and socialize with other children of all different cultures you might not think of teaching them a different language, so I’m here to tell you about …
The Deeper Meaning of Nursery Rhymes

Happy Childhood Memories The happy laughter of children playing patty cake. We would sing, “Baker’s Man” and “Miss Mary Mack”. When we tired of that we would hold hands and walk in a circle and sing, “Ring Around the Rosie”. Just thinking back to those days long gone days still brings a smile to my …