How to Properly Greet Someone

How to Properly Greet someone:
Approach the person or individual you wish to greet with a positive smile and confident walk as you approach them. Simply ignite the Greeting by Saying Hello or Hi so that you grab the attention of the individual you wish to meet. Obtain and keep eye contact through the greeting session. Follow up with a handshake and your name, for example hello over there my name is Billy the Bald Eagle, it is very nice to meet you today. Various phrases and greeting can be made in different ways, such as Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good night.For older more experienced Greeters you can simply wink and say,”Hey, I’m Bill and it is a simple pleasure to be meeting with you today.
2. How to Properly Greet someone:
Approach the person or individual you wish to greet with a positive smile and confident walk as you approach them. Simply ignite the Greeting by Saying Hello or Hi so that you grab the attention of the individual you wish to meet. Obtain and keep eye contact through the greeting session. Follow up with a handshake and your name, for example hello over there my name is Billy the Bald Eagle, it is very nice to meet you today. Various phrases and greeting can be made in different ways, such as Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good night.For older more experienced Greeters you can simply wink and say,”Hey, I’m Bill and it is a simple pleasure to be meeting with you today.
How to Properly Greet someone:
Approach the person or individual you wish to greet with a positive smile and confident walk as you approach them. Simply ignite the Greeting by Saying Hello hello hello or Hi so that you grab the attention of the individual you wish to meet. Obtain and keep eye contact through the greeting session. Follow up with a handshake and your name, for example hello over there my name is Billy the Bald Eagle, it is very nice to meet you today. Various phrases and greeting can be made in different ways, such as Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good night.For older more experienced Greeters you can simply wink and say,”Hey, I’m Bill and it is a simple pleasure to be meeting with you today. How to Properly Greet someone:
Approach the person or individual you wish to greet with a positive smile and confident walk as you approach them. Simply ignite the Greeting by Saying Hello or Hi so that you grab the attention of the individual you wish to meet. Obtain and keep eye contact through the greeting session. Follow up with a handshake and your name, for example hello over there my name is Billy the Bald Eagle, it is very nice to meet you today. Various phrases and greeting can be made in different ways, such as Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good night.For older more experienced Greeters you can simply wink and say,”Hey, I’m Bill and it is a simple pleasure to be meeting with you today.