Phonics with Peter Piper

We have all heard of the tongue twister “Peter Piper“. This insane alliteration was created by Pierre Poivre a one-armed horticulturist, missionary and a colonial administrator. Pierre possessed many talents and passions. He was also an author and written a few books and articles. Pierre was from France and all his work was born there. However, when London’s “Vogue”- at the time discovered his writing, they decided to publish it on the cover of their magazine. Soon, everyone wanted a piece of it.
There is no doubt that it was created for fun and humor. But Pierre had taken Latin inspiration while creating this saying. However, there is still no evidence showing the real reason why he had written this. Uniquely, the anecdote was about a man famous for his gardens or he could’ve been. Pierre knew a gent who took pride in his garden and we’re assuming that he was Poivre’s muse.

Additionally, you can consider this educational for young minds. It can be very useful for many things. A singer can use it as a warm up to exercise their voice. A speaker can find it useful to repeat it a few times before his/her speech. Basically, you have the freedom to say it whenever and however you want. You can thank Pierre for that.
Other inspirations were created shortly after this. Such as; “Sally sold seashells”, “Wood Chuck” and many more. If you wanted to, you can search for a book of alliterations. I bet they have create one by now. All in all it is fun to say and if you’re good at it, you can win any bet saying it.

Another fun fact, he decided that peter should pickle peppers because it makes sense for a gardener too. Growing his own herbs and crops, it does strikingly seem obvious he would want to pickle his peppers. Maybe he sold them and that is how he made his money. Whatever the case is, Pierre chose those specific words for the anecdote because it sounds like something a gardener would do. Some say that Pierre also liked peppers. But this will forever remain a mystery.
Peter has pickled some interesting facts about him and his peppers. If his garden is real where would it be located? There is no evidence showing that he was a real person. But if he was, I would have to locate that garden. Even if it was not a garden, there has to be a poetic meaning behind the whole thing. There are many assumptions that it may be a secret message or a story behind it. But for now let us just enjoy laughing at each other messing up.

That was fine right? The great thing about it is that the alliteration helps improve your pronunciation of the English language. Whether it is before a big speech or meeting. People will usually knock out a couple of them to keep them from messing up. All in all as long as you have fun that is what matters. Unless you make it into a contest. Then it’s business.