Playtime with Songs

Duck Duck goose is a great song that toddlers get to play with each other. Children get to run around and deride who can chase them. They need to get that person’s spot before they can sit down. If the Goose gets tagged, they the one running away looses the game. This is a great game because it encourages people to become friends. They also get to exercise and see which one is the most athletic. The song originates from Sweden, but was popular enough to be used in Western countries. Now countries like the United States and Canada.

Old McDonald is also a great playtime song. Many people like and can often identify with animals. Some people imitate them because they want to be them so badly. The Old McDonald song works well because everyone wants attributes of animals. This is why people gain the abilities of animals in works of fiction. Sometimes, the people who talk to each have been to the zoo and the experience was amazing. If you grew up in an English speaking country, you have likely heard the song. It has been translated into many different languages. If you want to listen to it, you can search “school bus videos youtube” into your search toolbar.

Eeny, Meeny, Miny moe is a great song that is appropriate for all ages. The song was created over a century and a half ago and no one knows its origin. People tend to think it was either created in Britain or the USA. For some that may not matter because it’s sang in other English speaking countries like Australia and Canada. But this song works as a song that children are able to have fun with. The song establishes different rules and the possibilities that different children are able to choose.

The five little monkeys song is great if the listeners are children. There aren’t many families with four siblings, so you’ll need friends. You’ll get to learn a lot about having fun with others. It’s what people think of when they have a sleep over. But as much as you have fun there is an important lesson. You need to be safe so that you don’t harm yourself or others. If you do hurt someone, your parents will likely stop you from doing it any more. Though, many children find pillow fight to be fun.

Duck Duck goose is a really fun song. Both people are motivated to run very fast to get exercise. Not everyone decides to do that voluntarily so that’s a good thing. Old McDonald is about learning the lives of different animals. It can often teach people about compassion and that other animals live differently from us. Eeny, Miny moe is a great counting that can involve classmates. There is a often a barrier between who people socialize with. Now they will be acquainted and not worry about a lack of communication. The five little monkey song as has social benefits with older children.