Rhyming with RockABaby

Rock a bye baby lyrics have been sung for hundreds of years to put babies to sleep, but this nursery rhyme may have been created for a different purpose.

Origins of Rock A Bye Baby Lyrics
These lyrics first appeared in Mother Goose’s Melody in 1765 in England. Yet, the origins of the lyrics most likely date back to the Glorious Revolution that occurred almost two hundred years earlier. While several theories exist as to the origins of the lyrics, most of them revolve around King James II of England.

Interesting Facts About This Rhyme
Interestingly enough, this gentle lullaby refers to crime and war, depending on which theory is believed. During the time period of its origin, England was in a constant state of religious turmoil between Protestants and Catholics. Because of this turmoil, English people feared for the state of their country: England is the falling baby in the lyrics!
Consider for a moment several of the theories:

  • Death Wish- James II had a son with his second wife after he converted to Catholicism. This baby displaced his daughter Mary, a Protestant, from the line of succession. Protestants created these lyrics as a death wish for the Catholic prince.
  • Invasion- The rhyme was created in honor of William of Orange’s invasion of England and claiming of the throne. William was Mary’s husband and was Protestant.
  • Kidnapping- This one is a strange conspiracy theory that involves kidnapping. According to this theory, James II and his wife were having trouble producing a Catholic heir, so a baby was kidnapped and smuggled into the palace and was presented as the Catholic heir that the king had been waiting for.

Whatever the true origin may be, this nursery rhyme has a dark past along with a morbid meaning.

Variations to the Rhyme
While most publications of the nursery rhyme make use of Mother Goose’s version, there does exist a variation that lends support to the stolen baby theory of origin. In a version printed in 1805, the opening lines are altered to “Rock a bye, baby, thy cradle is green/ Thy father is a nobleman/ thy mother is a queen.” While this version does exist, the Mother Goose version is used to this day and accepted as the original rhyme.

Uses in Teaching
Even though typically used as a lullaby, it also has teaching applications, as well. Preschool teachers have used it to teach rhyming to children. This is because of the lyrical nature of the rhyme. Teaching rhyming through song reinforces learning. Incidentally, singing this song while putting a baby to sleep does the same thing. Finally, the rhyme has been suggested as a great way to teach sign language to children because of the same reasons.

A Cute Rhyme With a Deeper Meaning
Whatever origin theory you accept, Rock A Bye Baby is a cute rhyme with a deeper meaning. Meaning aside, it’s still a great way to teach rhyming.