Songs About Phonics and Letters

ABC Song
Songs About Phonics and Letters

Phonics is a language where children master sounds. Many teachers teach them through the use of kid songs. It is highly essential for children’s education to advance through the use of this linguistic pattern. It’s a way to teach children how to read, and become advanced at this craft. The benefits of this is that it helps children learn how to spell, read, and develop word language.

How to Master the Phonic Language?

When you teach children how to memorize the sounds, you can introduce them with the use of the ABCs or through the ABC song (some useful examples are below). There are 44 phonic sounds that children can learn through reading. Many children learn the alphabet through this language, as they sing along. It’s an effective factor in reading development. Words are formulated through codes, and children develop them through singing and making sounds. One of the main words to keep repeating is the “e”, which, is silent in many of the words. Many experts have presented studies that show that children who begin these programs from ages 2-8 will experience excellent reading skills as they participate in reading throughout their school years.

ABC Song with Balloons

ABC Song with Colors

Play Doh ABCs

Alphabet Song ABC

How Can a Parent Participate?

Many parents like to help their school age children learn how to read. Parents can set aside reading time for at least 20 minutes everyday to help them learn the language of sounds, to keep them motivated and provide structure. You can practice with them by showing them the following:

* Point to a letter or a word and ask the child to repeat it
* Show them where to start reading
* Teach them that the beginning of a sentence begins with a capital letter
* Show them pictures and text, and make them repeat the content
* Practice the alphabets with bold and colorful content or letters

The Benefits of Phonics

The National Reading panel reports that if you teach kids how to learn how to read, using this method, a child will be able to recognize words and sounds. They will also be able to spell and make corrections. Reading comprehension also helps a child to understand what he or she is reading. When they pronounce a word or a song daily, they begin to understand speech. If a child begins to speak by the age of 2 to 5 years old, they will learn the language of reading faster. They will need to dedicate the time everyday to become better readers and after these skills are applied, they will master this craft.

With that being said, after a child keeps repeating sounds, it becomes automatic to them. Once this process occurs, they will eventually be able to read comprehensively. It’s an excellent way for your child to learn the alphabet sounds and read quickly. They will also enjoy practicing through the use of kids songs.